The word “Hauzo” combines two Paite Lastname Hauzel and Hangzo, forming a meaning of “Flourishing.” Aristotle used the term for human flourishing or living well as eudaimonia, which can achieve through developing virtues and practicing the virtues. The virtual synonym of eudaimonia is makarios used by Jesus in the Beatitudes as “Blessedness.” According to Jesus, “Blessedness” is a flourishing person, and a flourishing person practices virtue. To be a virtuous person, one must develop the proper habits because virtue is habituated. This is called spiritual formation in Christianity which Paul was talking about when he commanded parents to “bring them up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord.”
Since our children are growing up in a free digital world where their imagination is corrupted through social media, texting, gaming, and endless streaming of video content, their worldview is shaped by what they see and hear in the media, and moral instruction is not sufficient to nurture virtues; instead, a compelling vision of the goodness of goodness itself needs to be presented attractively and stirs the imagination. For this reason, “ Hauzo “ aims to train and nurture children to awaken their moral imagination through films, stories, fairy tales, folks tales, and superhero comics so that our children will not just make blind ambition choices by rationalizing but evaluating their ambition and desire. This is our hope that each child will live a flourishing life.
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Started Jan 1, 1970
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